Set up Add-on price
Our app add charge/price to option using the add-on price feature. It is available on the Unlimited plan. Learn more about the detailed Pricing plan
To see how it works in action, please visit our demo product.
The Add-on Price feature allows you to link an option value with an existing variant and its price to create additional charge when the option value is selected. The selected variant will be added the cart along with the main product to increase total cost.
In this article, you will learn:
How to add price to options?
How add-on price feature works on your storefront?
How to view add-on sale report?
Step 1: Add an option to option set

Step 2: Enable the Add-on price checkbox
You will see a tag button in each option value

Step 3: Select product variant with price value
Just a quick note: The maximum limit for add-on products across all option sets created within the app is 20. If you anticipate having more than 20 add-on products in your store, we suggest creating a single add-on product and adding option values accordingly. For reference, you can view our demo add-on product here. This approach simplifies managing and organizing the add-on options within the app without exceeding the limit.
Click on the tag button next to value name
Select a product and its variant with the price that you would like to apply for this option value.

After selecting some add-on variants, you will see the add-on price on each option value

Step 4: Save option set and check on your storefront
Please note that the add-on product should be active at your Sale Channel and it should have at least 1 image in order to make it works properly on your store
Read more: How to Hide Add-on product from SEO and Shopify search
The selected add-on variant that linked with an option will be added the cart along with the main product to increase total cost.
For example: Image you're selling golf cap and you would like to offer extra products that related to golf such as umbrella or golf tees
Each option value here will be linked with a product variant and its price. You will see the total add-on price if any option value that has add-on variant is selected.

The add-on items that linked with selected options will be added to cart along with the main product

After customers completed their order, the add-on items will appear in the order detail page.

Under the main item, you will see there is a note started with _addOnVariant: - this is the mark from our app which informs that there could be some add-on items is purchased along with the main items.
You can find other feature for customizing the Add-on Price section at Settings page:
Edit add-on price warning message
Show add-on price on options
Add add-on price to product price

The orders report is only available on the Unlimited plan. Learn more about the detailed Pricing plan
Firstly, in the Option set list page you can find the report displays the number of orders generated and also the total add-on value purchased with each option set.
This report helps you understand which option set is your best sellers, and which get the highest sale of add-on values (if any option within the option set carried add-on price)

Click on the View report button to open the Orders report

After a customer places an order with any product carried option set from our app, it appears in the Orders report page. This report displays orders that were received during the selected time period.

Hopefully this article has helped you to understand how the add-on price feature works. Things change all the time, so if you run into issues please don't hesitate to share them with us at the in-app live chat. We're happy to lend a hand 🤩
To see how it works in action, please visit our demo product.
What is Add-on Price?
The Add-on Price feature allows you to link an option value with an existing variant and its price to create additional charge when the option value is selected. The selected variant will be added the cart along with the main product to increase total cost.
In this article, you will learn:
How to add price to options?
How add-on price feature works on your storefront?
How to view add-on sale report?
How to add price/charge to options:
Step 1: Add an option to option set

Step 2: Enable the Add-on price checkbox
You will see a tag button in each option value

Step 3: Select product variant with price value
Just a quick note: The maximum limit for add-on products across all option sets created within the app is 20. If you anticipate having more than 20 add-on products in your store, we suggest creating a single add-on product and adding option values accordingly. For reference, you can view our demo add-on product here. This approach simplifies managing and organizing the add-on options within the app without exceeding the limit.
Click on the tag button next to value name
Select a product and its variant with the price that you would like to apply for this option value.

After selecting some add-on variants, you will see the add-on price on each option value

Step 4: Save option set and check on your storefront
Please note that the add-on product should be active at your Sale Channel and it should have at least 1 image in order to make it works properly on your store
Read more: How to Hide Add-on product from SEO and Shopify search
How add-on products display in cart page, checkout page and order detail page?
The selected add-on variant that linked with an option will be added the cart along with the main product to increase total cost.
For example: Image you're selling golf cap and you would like to offer extra products that related to golf such as umbrella or golf tees
Each option value here will be linked with a product variant and its price. You will see the total add-on price if any option value that has add-on variant is selected.

1. On cart page
The add-on items that linked with selected options will be added to cart along with the main product

2. On checkout page

3. On order detail page
After customers completed their order, the add-on items will appear in the order detail page.

Under the main item, you will see there is a note started with _addOnVariant: - this is the mark from our app which informs that there could be some add-on items is purchased along with the main items.
Other related settings
You can find other feature for customizing the Add-on Price section at Settings page:
Edit add-on price warning message
Show add-on price on options
Add add-on price to product price

How to view add-on sale report.
The orders report is only available on the Unlimited plan. Learn more about the detailed Pricing plan
1. Option set report
Firstly, in the Option set list page you can find the report displays the number of orders generated and also the total add-on value purchased with each option set.
This report helps you understand which option set is your best sellers, and which get the highest sale of add-on values (if any option within the option set carried add-on price)

2. Orders report
Click on the View report button to open the Orders report

After a customer places an order with any product carried option set from our app, it appears in the Orders report page. This report displays orders that were received during the selected time period.

Hopefully this article has helped you to understand how the add-on price feature works. Things change all the time, so if you run into issues please don't hesitate to share them with us at the in-app live chat. We're happy to lend a hand 🤩
Updated on: 10/04/2024
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